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Software asset management software (SAM) is becoming an essential practice for organizations across the globe. Generating benefits including cost savings, simplified management, and all-new consumer experiences, asset management software is a hidden gem in the world of IT management. Here is everything you need to know.

License Dashboard are a leading supplier of Microsoft software asset management tools, with over 15 years of experience providing customers with the resources they need to meet business objectives through technology.

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asset management

What is software asset management?

Software asset management software (SAM) is a comprehensive approach used by organizations to manage, control, and optimize the lifecycle of software assets within their environment. It involves strategies and practices to oversee the acquisition, deployment, maintenance, utilization, and disposal of software applications within an organization.

Benefits of asset management software

Improved visibility

asset management software provides a centralized view of all software assets, including licenses, versions, and installations, enabling easy tracking and management

Unparalleled ROI:

asset management tools achieve better results from current security investments, leading to improved ROI

Cost optimization:

SAM tools identify unused or underutilized software licenses to optimize spend

Risk mitigation:

by keeping software updated and patched, these tools reduce security vulnerabilities

Streamlined processes:

these tools streamline various SAM processes, making it easier to manage software throughout its lifecycle, from procurement to retirement

Efficiency and productivity:

SAM tools increase operational efficiency by automating tasks, freeing up resources that can focus on more critical business initiatives

Automated inventory:

asset management software automates the inventory process, continuously scanning the network to discover and catalog software assets, reducing manual effort and ensuring accuracy

License Dashboard asset management software

When security constraints prevent your organization from adopting a fully managed service, our software asset management platform gives your in-house SAM team the resources and tools to effectively manage your software licenses.

What solution is right for you?

License Dashboard offers several SAM products and services, all designed to make your SAM journey as streamlined and simple as possible.


Success Stories

Hear directly from our customers about how we work in partnership with them to deliver leading software asset management.


Redcentric Solutions Limited

Explore how Redcentric worked with us to improve its existing SAM processes by implementing a fully supported SAM solution.

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Discover how EDF took the power back by investing and implementing License Dashboard SAM Essentials.

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Dublin City Council

Find out how investing in License Manager supported Dublin City Council to effectively manage its software assets, and optimize costs

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Ready to explore SAM for your organization?

Our software asset management specialists are here to make your SAM journey as simple as possible. Book your free one-to-one call now.

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