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License Dashboard License Manager

Our software licensing solutions, License Manager, is an easy-to-use IT asset management software platform, for managing software licenses accurately.

Our software licensing solution, License Manager provides advanced licensing automation, speeding up day-to-day tasks for managing software licenses and ensuring that complicated license metrics are correctly calculated. 

Seamless integration

License Manager integrates with your existing IT infrastructure, seamlessly working with over 70 systems, including SCCM, Lansweeper, LANDesk, vCenter, and ILMT. Because License Manager connects to your existing discovery and inventory solutions, it is not always necessary to install a new discovery agent across your network.

This saves your organization time during the installation process, and money as there may be no need to purchase a new discovery tool.

software licensing solutions, software licensing, managing software licenses

Automated software licensing solutions

License Manager features built-in license intelligence to automate reconciliation. Users can allocate their license entitlement effectively and track their entire compliance history to report ROI.

Our tool for managing software licenses automatically scours entitlement sources, ensuring all that items are checked against manufacturers’ software catalogues and special licensing terms, such as upgrades and maintenance, are associated with the necessary base licenses. This gives you a full audit trail of all changes made to the ITAM estate, and records and tracks all license types.

software licensing solutions, software licensing, managing software licenses

Market leading data center and virtual environment visualization

The data center will usually be the most expensive area of an organization’s software estate, with the largest potential for both compliance risk and software savings.

Our software licensing solutions enables organizations to correctly license their data center and optimize their license entitlement, while ensuring compliance.

Our IT asset management software provides an easy to understand visual of guest host clusters and data center relationships, as well as the impact of any mobility granted and the understanding of affinity and anti-affinity rules.

software licensing solutions, software licensing, managing software licenses

Intelligent software license management dashboard and notifications

Our unique notifications offer tips and advice on areas where investigation is warranted. It guides towards anomalies and challenges the data if there are incorrect licensing choices made within the system.

Software asset managers are able to easily identify trends or unexpected changes in data and proactively make changes to ensure optimized software spend and avoid non-compliance licensing scenarios.

License Manager and License Dashboard Portal empower SAM managers to easily share ITAM data with key stakeholders in an organization.

License Dashboard Portal provides an intuitive and customizable software license management platform, allowing users to drive real-time insights into their IT estate.

software license manager , software license management

Understand and assign user-based licensing

License Manager enables you to understand who is assigned to what license and will reveal their exact entitlement to deploy across endpoints, automatically resolving multiple user subscription aliases to a primary user account.

software license manager , software license management

Advanced software license management

Manage complicated vendors such as IBM, Oracle, and SAP with their own workspaces. Aligning intricate licensing rules with consumption data has never been easier.

License Manager allows you to automate much of the complex licensing rules that are applied to these vendors, ensuring an optimised software estate. Restore confidence that your organisation is licensed correctly and not at risk of non-compliance in the event of a vendor software audit.

Insight into cloud consumption

Defining license entitlements within your cloud, on-premise, and hybrid environment is one of the largest areas for potential overspend in a software estate. License Manager gives you a clear definition between each license type and makes recommendations for predicted spend.

Our software licensing solutions will also allow a user to enhance and reconcile any inventory data – including cloud and SaaS software – discovered by inventory tools.

License Dashboard Portal features a dedicated Office 365 application, allowing users to view their monthly available licenses, consumption, and potential overspend.

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Explore License Manager for your organization

Find out more about how License Manager can help you with managing software licenses and how it supports your organization to save money and time.

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