Free IT Health Check
Get your free IT Health Check now. Our IT software and hardware assessment shows you how to optimize your IT estate to reduce costs and identifies areas of potential risk.
Fully understanding your IT estate is a crucial first step in optimizing your software and hardware spend, protecting against vulnerabilities, and planning major upgrades to your IT infrastructure. It provides insight into the health of your environment and highlights where you need to make improvements or changes to ensure optimal efficiency.
License Dashboard’s IT Health Check
Our free assessment analyses your organization’s IT deployments and reviews the health of the software and hardware being used by your employees.
Your report includes:
- An overview of the software installed and what versions each is running
- Identification of areas that is putting your organization at risk of a security breach
- Analysis of deployed software by release date to identify areas requiring upgrade
Free IT Health Check
The benefits of an IT software and hardware assessment
Our free IT software and hardware assessment analyses your IT data to provide an intuitive report into the status
of your IT deployments, empowering your organization to:
- Review anti-virus deployment
- Mitigate software risks and reduce software renewal costs
- Improve the security of your network and devices
- Oversight of software end-of-life dates and multiple
software installations - Speed up manual tasks
- Understand the challenges and risks of outdated
IT deployments - Identify potential cost savings
- Rationalize application sprawl with software categorization
- Increase transparency of IT organizational assets
- Check IT license compliance