
David Chamberlain

Senior Vice President

20th September 2023

Michaela Gray


Our Senior Vice President, David Chamberlain discusses his journey into the tech industry, his success within our SAM team, and why the License Dashboard culture stands out.



Photograph of License Dashboard's David Chamberlain, our Senior Vice President

How did you get into the industry?

I got into the industry out of pure luck. Back in the mid 90’s the business I previously worked for was in a significantly declining market, mostly due to the emergence of IT, and the first role I applied for just happened to be in the accounts department of a software reseller – Phoenix Software. This then led on to my role at License Dashboard.


What appealed to you about the industry?

It was a time of huge excitement, innovation, and unlimited potential. License Dashboard is a dynamic and fun place to work growing year upon year at an incredible rate, so that was where it appealed initially.


Tell us about your career history and what led you to License Dashboard

I worked in several of Phoenix’s sales teams before joining the Licensing Desk, supporting all the Account Managers when Microsoft’s Enterprise Agreements were first launched. Then, in late 2001 and into 2002, we started supporting our customers to understand their options when Microsoft introduced some huge changes, and this would ultimately be the start of the Phoenix SAM team.

As we evolved our SAM practice, we started to create the intellectual property of our own that would finally become the brand License Dashboard.


What’s your experience of working at License Dashboard so far?

I think my length of service is testament to the great leadership and support we receive from the group. All ideas really do matter, people are trusted to deliver, and this has resulted in some ground-breaking services and a superb technological platform.

I feel very fortunate to be able to work at such a great company!


Tell us a little bit about your role

My role has changed a lot over the years. I used to mostly manage the consultancy side of things, but now I prefer to leave that to my very skilled team, instead taking on other responsibilities. I really like to stay involved with our customers, understanding how we can better evolve our products and services. I especially like meeting prospective customers and listening to their challenges, then helping create a viable solution.


How would you describe the culture at License Dashboard?

From my team and throughout the company we are passionate about the core values that drive how we behave as an organisation. I am very proud to be part of an ethical organisation who invest so much in the development and progression of their employees.

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Michaela has worked within the industry for over 11 years, both within sales and marketing. She works closely with the team to support them with all their marketing needs and maintains and promotes the License Dashboard brand.

Michaela Gray

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