License Dashboard: software asset management

Explore our SAM services and products now

License Dashboard SAMswitch

Make the transition today and experience the difference License Dashboard can bring to your SAM journey.

Elevate your SAM tool to excellence now

Licence Manager

Empower your organisation to optimise and control its data centre, cloud, and desktop software estate with the most complete SAM tool available.

Discover Licence Manager now

Case study: EDF takes the power back

Find out how we worked with EDF to provide strong visibility and control over its software estate and optimise software costs with SAM Essentials.

Read the full case study now

SAM Essentials

SAM Essentials supports your organisation to rapidly implement your chosen SAM tool and accelerate ROI.

Discover SAM Essentials now

Cloud cost optimisation

Start managing cloud costs to reduce spend, mitigate risks, and increase productivity now with our cloud cost optimisation services.

Start optimising your cloud costs today

SAM Agile

SAM Agile is dynamic SAM managed service that delivers greater value and ROI, enabling you to cost-effectively meet your stakeholders’ needs.

Discover SAM Agile now

Reduce your organization’s SaaS, cloud, data center, and desktop software spend and maximize your potential with License Dashboard’s software asset management (SAM) solutions.

Immediate cost savings on your software spend

By accurately discovering and reporting your entire software estate, highlighting duplicate applications, unused programs and shadow IT, and re-allocating existing licenses rather than buying additional ones, our software asset management services instantly reduce your software license spend in the first 12-months, with additional savings year on year.

Get your free guide to SAM now

Software asset management is a priority

Software continues to develop rapidly and is an integral part of any business. But managing that software manually can negatively impact your organization’s productivity and profitability.

Software asset management empowers you to save time and money, reduce risk and ensure compliance, and improve ROI.

Benefits of software asset management

Cost management

Plan, control, and significantly reduce the costs associated with software assets to maximise your IT budgets.

Cost optimisation

Continuously reduce your software spend while maximising business value.

Risk mitigation

Reduce the financial implications of potential risks and reduce the likelihood that those risks will happen.

Speed to value

Increase business value by balancing cost, risk, and the speed of digital transformation.

What we do: our products

License Dashboard Licence Manager

Successful management of your software licences with the most complete SAM tool available. Enable your organisation to optimise and control its data centre, cloud, and desktop software estate.

Find out more about Licence Manager now

License Dashboard Portal

Reduce your software spend, manage IT projects, and monitor application usage across your entire estate with an intuitive business intelligence portal.

Find out more about License Dashboard Portal now

License Dashboard Discovery

Total visibility of your software assets to enable you to successfully establish a long-term Software Asset Management program for your organisation.

Find out more about Dashboard Discovery now

License Dashboard SaaS Maager

Simplify and improve the process of tracking, managing, and optimising SaaS spend and cloud costs.

Find out more about SaaS Manager now

License Dashboard Universal Data

Eliminate the challenges of rationalising IT asset information from multiple systems into a single version of truth – on demand.

Find out more about Universal Data now

License Dashboard API

Empower your organisation to access the valuable data stored within your Licence Manager database.

Find out more about License Dashboard API now

License Dashboard ScanWin

ScanWin enables the inventory of Windows devices without needing to deploy an agent.

Find out more about ScanWin now

What we do: our services

SAM Essentials

Enables your organisation to rapidly implement a SAM tool with support to accelerate your speed to value, including personal development plans, mentoring, health checks, and compliance validation.

Discover SAM Essentials now

SAM Agile

A dynamic SAM managed service that delivers greater value and return on investment with a flexible schedule. SAM Agile proactively enables you to meet business-wide stakeholder demand, while guaranteeing cost efficiency, risk mitigation, and productivity.

Discover SAM Agile now

SAM Insights

Deep financial and compliance insights that mitigate risk, identify cost optimisation, and accelerate adoption of digital transformation, either on-premise or in the cloud.

Discover SAM Insights now

ServiceNow and SAM

Take control of all your IT assets through one portal, enabling IT, finance, and procurement to collaborate effectively.

Discover ServiceNow and SAM

Software Recognition Service

Enables you to fully optimise your software usage, ensure compliance, and reduce future spend.

Discover our Software Recognition Service now

Software Product Categorisation

Drive data insights, align your business strategy to IT, and generate cost savings.

Discover Software Product Categorisation now