License Dashboard SaaS Manager

License Dashboard SaaS Management software monitors SaaS subscriptions and cloud spend inside your organisation to track usage and help you to stay in budget.

Managing the cost of AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, and reducing expenditure in SaaS subscriptions is now a number one priority for many organisations.

Our SaaS management platform monitors your cloud computing and the potentially rapid rise in SaaS applications.

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saas spend management

SaaS Management Software features and benefits

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Reduce cloud spend

Easily monitor, control, and optimise your cloud spend with our SaaS spend management tool. License Dashboard provide users with automatic, intelligent cost saving recommendations for your SaaS products and IaaS platforms.

The SaaS management software identifies abandoned, unassigned, and underutilised licences and detects unused features, providing recommendations for downgrading licences to lower-cost payment plans.

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SaaS subscriptions management and spend

Using the SaaS License Management feature allows you to make more informed decisions on your SaaS licences and understand the potential cost savings available across products, platforms, and even individual users. By understanding application usage, optimise SaaS spend, comparing actual usage to available licences and converting unused and underutilised applications into savings.

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SaaS subscription management with License Dashboard’s SaaS optimisation platform

Our SaaS subscription management software optimisation platform provides ongoing scanning of SaaS subscriptions and cloud platforms, giving you detailed cost saving recommendations across your organisation. With our SaaS subscription management and tool, underutilised and abandoned licences are clearly highlighted with recommendations for more suitable licences displayed based on individual users’ activity within applications, such as Office 365.

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Cloud cost management

Cloud provides easy access to computing infrastructure and the ability to quickly scale up your platform to meet demand. But while scaling up is easy, tracking usage and scaling back down when appropriate is often forgotten, leading to unnecessary spend. Our SaaS management platform makes managing SaaS applications simple by highlighting the costs for every server and virtual machine, identifying inactivity and preventing overspend. This allows your organisation to scale up and down its cloud infrastructure, while ensuring costs remain predictable and within budget.

Get started with SaaS Manager