
Discover License Dashboard SAMswitch and upgrade your SAM tool to be the best of the best.

Many organisations are encountering difficulties with their existing SAM tool, finding lacking results, overspend, and exhausting management.

By taking advantage of License Dashboard SAMswitch, our specialists will guide you through the seamless transition to a superior software asset management tool. This upgrade offers enhanced functionality, top-notch support, and increased overall value.

Start Saving Now

Unlock the potential of your software asset management (SAM) with SAMswitch

Our competitive SAMswitch offering empowers companies to transition from their existing SAM tools to our SAM Essentials solution. Designed with the specific concerns and challenges faced by organisations in mind, this program aims to provide a remedy.

Discover the features that make SAM Essentials by License Dashboard the best SAM tool:

  • Discovery and inventory
  • Software metering
  • ITAM, SAM, and licencing training
  • Advanced SAM support
  • SaaS and cloud monitoring
  • Software recognition
  • Compliance verification
  • Dashboards and reporting
  • Personal development plan
  • Advanced advisory services
  • Quarterly health checks
  • SAM maturity assessments
  • SAM essential add-ons
  • SAM certification and qualification

Make the switch today

When you’re ready, you will be assigned a dedicated specialist who will plan, build, and run your new License Dashboard SAM Essentials environment in the span of four to eight weeks, making your migration period as quick and simple as possible. At the end of this time, you will be left with a fully comprehensive, proactive software asset management tool with a long support period.

Explore the steps our specialists will take, as part of our SAM Essentials services, to ensure you are left with a fully comprehensive, innately effective SAM tool:


once we switch you to License Dashboard License Manager, you will accurately manage software licences with advanced licencing automation

wisdom emea 2024


our SAM consultants get your organisation’s new SAM program up and running quickly, with continued quarterly health checks to authenticate


develop your own SAM skills with our extensive training and support we provide as a part of License Dashboard SAM Essentials.

Switch up your SAM game

Make the transition today and experience the difference License Dashboard can bring to your SAM journey.

Chat to one of our specialists now