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James Bell

In the ever changing and evolving Software Asset Management (SAM) landscape, it’s important to keep up with the requirements of customers who require a whole breadth of different reporting abilities to support their IT related teams. But how is this always possible when you need to provide a small piece of the pie to everyone? And, how do we ensure that each piece is completely relevant to them?

The answer to this is: Business Intelligence reporting.

LD Portal: Licenses Purchased

LD Portal: Licenses Purchased

Having worked with thousands of organizations and individual Software Asset Managers we know that creating reports for stakeholders outside of the SAM team – from IT colleagues, to the finance department, to the C-suite – can be time consuming and repetitive.

However, with a little upfront effort and the right technology, it’s possible to create a report, or standard view, which you can deliver to your end users or executives to provide relevant information of incredible depth based on some key raw data extracts.

LD Portal: License Entitlement

LD Portal: License Entitlement

Business intelligence through SAM technology

This technology is by no means new, especially to License Dashboard with its existing set of business intelligence views but has not – as of yet – been realized to its full potential. And by full potential, I mean allowing a user to create a set of their very own business intelligence reports.

Utilizing the latest in Qlik technology, this is well on its way to becoming a possibility for License Dashboard customers who use License Dashboard Portal (LDP) 3.0 as their SAM reporting tool. LDP 3.0 allows a customer to not only create their own dashboards, with all the business intelligence graphs, KPIs and other fantastic imagery, but also utilize the existing experience of a whole team of software licensing professionals.

Achieving buy-in from digital stakeholders in various departments of an organization is key for a Software Asset Manager to be able to operate effectively. After all, it is these people who the SAM team will be relying upon to make the changes they recommend in order to achieve the cost savings and compliance risk reductions that are made available by an effective SAM program. Providing a personalized, intuitive, on-demand and real time business intelligence portal to each of these stakeholders helps to demonstrate the wealth of opportunity and data made available thanks to the work of the SAM team.

LD Portal: Virtual Devices

LD Portal: Virtual Devices

At first glance, it’s clear that LDP 3.0 is going to be game changing when it comes to Software Asset Management. Even with just a little time investment, it’s possible to come up with a specific and relevant “story” to be delivered to different levels of a customer’s organization.

Imagine being able to deliver reporting to your software and hardware professionals, containing all the relevant information that they require – whether reporting information on a hardware refresh, or supporting an existing metering policy – and at the same time delivering an executive report to the very highest levels of your organization. All using a web browser.

License Dashboard Portal 3.0 will be available soon to all License Dashboard customers and partners. 

James Bell

Further reading